Japan Virtual Vacation 2007


16th day Oct.15th
Finally, today is the last day of our vacation!
We arrived Owani Onsen just after 9AM.
今日でとうとう最終日! 目が覚めれば日本海の美しい景色。 大鰐温泉、朝9時到着

Onsen is already open, and we stayed there about 2 hours. This water is excellent. It makes your skin so smooth. We got train at 11:30 and went to Aomori. We sow many apple trees on the way.

温泉はすでに営業していて、2時間余り楽しみました。 お湯がとても良くてお肌ツルツル。 11:30の特急で青森へ。 リンゴの産地、たくさんリンゴが実ってました。
In Aomori, we tried to locate an Italian restaurant which an aquaintance owns though we don't know its name nor address. Travel Information center girles helped us, but we could not find it. Anyway, we got rental cycles and had Italian lunch near by the Station. Aomori is the most Nothern main town of Honshu.
Aomori Port Pyramid Sunset

Today's travel distance;925miles=1480km

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