Japan Virtual Vacation 2007



1st day Sept.30th

Hey, hey, hey, boys and girls!  

If you are reading this, then you are with John and Hiromi on their virtual vacation to all of Japan, thereby circumventing your company's or perhaps your spouse's tightwad policy limiting you to few, if any, vacations.

Sunday was rainy and bleak, but the church was full and we had a famous American speaker…me.
Right after the service we headed for Oarai to board our ferry to Tomakomai, Hokkaido. It was a 19 hour trip. After seeing the "cattle car" accommodations, we opted to upgrade to a private room. Good move.
日曜は寂しい雨が降っていましたが、教会は皆で満ち、有名なアメリカ人がメッセージしました。…私のことです。 そして教会をとっても楽しんだある人がいました…それも私です。教会の直後に電車に乗り込み水戸から大洗へ。フェリーに19時間乗って苫小牧に着きました。フェリーはエコノミーで予約しましたが、思いのほか人が多かったこと等の理由でアップグレードして個室にしました。

Ryoichi took us to the station  Where is train? Fujisawa Station
Cute little Bus Restaurant in Ferry "Popeye" on the Ferry

Today's travel distance: 297.5mile=476km
(Train:172km car:4km Ferry:300km)

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