Day 11

Day 12&13, Th.&Fri.: Sept. 2&3, 2004

Fun page

Day 12
The ferry ride back to Niigata was rather uneventful except for meeting some very cute and well-behaved children aboard the ship. We had a great time playing with them.
Day 13
The ferry docked at about 6 am and we immediately set out for Kiryu. After 6-7 hours of driving, we realized that we were in danger of missing our scheduled class in Shonandai that night. We still had 4-5 hours of train-riding to go. Oka-san agreed to drive the rest of the way from the town of Akagi, so Hiromi and I parted company with Oka-san and Oto-san, and boarded the train for the long ride back home. Our connections were great and we arrived in Shonandai just ten minutes before the class started. We didn’t arrive back at our house in Fujisawa until a couple of hours later. We are happy to be “back in the saddle” and continuing our teaching schedule. We are so happy you could join us for our trip to Hokkaido, Please send us some e-mail and let us hear from you!
John & Hiromi Stemmons

Day 12
Day 13
朝6時に新潟入港。桐生に向かって山越えのドライブです。行きは真っ暗で何も見えなかったけど、実はとても美しい。今晩は7時から湘南台でバイブルクラス。桐生まで6-7時間、桐生から湘南台まで更に電車で4-5時間かかるうえ、途中に温泉にも入ったから時間的にきつかった。桐生の手前の大間々駅で私たちは東武線に乗ることにしました。湘南台に着いたのはクラスの始まる10分前。 ここからいつもの生活に戻ります。北海道への旅はいつもアドベンチャーで楽しいけど、やっぱり我が家が一番だと実感。長い旅に付き合ってくださってありがとうございました。感想等聞かせてもらえたら嬉しいです。是非メールください。 

John & Hiromi Stemmons

Click on each picture to see enlarged one
Jonathan Livingston Seagull with Hiromi Three great kids on the Ferry
Famous Ski Place

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