Japan Virtual Vacation 2007



6th day Oct.5th

Wow, that was fast! Our first week is almost over and we are beating a hasty return to Fujisawa. We plan to arrive about two hours before the service at Amazing Grace Church, where we are expecting a famous American speaker. Whom do you suppose that would be? What about if I left out "famous"?

もう最初の一週間が終わろうとしている。時間がたつのは早い! がんばって日曜礼拝に間に合うように藤沢に戻らなきゃ! 何しろ有名(?)なアメリカ人がアメージンググレースチャーチでメッセージするのだから。
Today was rainy in the morning which altered our plan slightly. Hiromi and I had a great time on the Notsuke peninsula, opting to spend more time there and less on the Shiretoko peninsula. Notsuke teems with wildlife, especially cranes, and birds of all types, and the beaches are loaded with starfish. We love the sea of Okhotsk, although I doubt if I will ever learn to say and/or spell it, and in the afternoon, our train was late in arriving at Kawayu Hot Springs...very unusual for a Japanese train. We met a traveling American from San Francisco who was a bit lost and so followed us from Shari town to Kawayu where he found a "minshuku", a small and cheap hotel. We had an interesting conversation in the bath at Kawayu...Ken is a retired science teacher who loves to travel.
Notsuke peninsula

Narrow land
Both sides are sea

Mountain Ken from
San Francisco
Our rental car
Birch trees Eri from Kyoto Mrs.Iwatani shows her
uncle-in-law's picture
When we boarded the little one car train to Kushiro, we immediately met John from Ireland and his wife, Masha from Russia. John is a theatre critic and journalist for a newspaper in London. He has a great sense of humor and we really enjoyed riding with them to Kushiro. Masha tried to explain the intricacies of Russian humor to me, but John summed it up: Russian jokes are just statements that are not really funny, but perhaps somewhat ironic. It seems better that Japanese humor, which does not even exist so far as I can tell.

Today's travel distance: 175miles=280km (Train:160km car:120km)

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