Japan Virtual Vacation 2007



3rd day Oct.2nd

We wanted to go somewhere wild and wonderful, but who knew that there would be precious few wireless connections in Hokkaido? The scenery is spectacular, and we are disconnected from the rest of the world. Oh well, I guess that is what we wanted! Anyway, sorry about the sporadic nature of these chronicles…
we will publish as we are able. Next week should be easier in the other parts of Japan. We arrived in Sapporo yesterday from Noboribetsu, after taping a business card to the back of one of the monster "gods" there. Our friends Hiroshi and Mayumi will look for and perhaps find them on their vacation, which is to be two days later than ours…The onsens (hot springs baths) at Noboribetsu were spectacular, but Sapporo is also pretty spectacular. Sapporo was designed by an American, Dr. Clark, who is famously quoted as saying, "Boys, be ambitious…" The full quote concluded by saying, "…in Jesus Christ", but the Japanese seldom if ever quote that part.
ワイルドでかつ素晴らしい場所に行きたいと思ったけど、北海道でワイヤレスにつなげる場所はまれだとは誰が知っていたでしょう? 景色は壮大で、私たちはこの世から隔たれたかんじです。ワイヤレスでつなげないので、なかなか思うようにサイトをアップロードできないことを謝罪します。 
札幌は素晴らしい! かの名言で有名なクラーク博士のデザインした街ですが、その名言はとても大事な部分が欠落して用いるのを知ってますか? - "少年よ大志をいだけ"には"イエスキリストにあって" が削られて使われているんですよ。
Mt. Tarumae, active Volcano Sapporo Station
Sakhalin lady we met in sapporo With Megu and her friends, Yuka & Mika 
At Megu's apartment, 11th Floor Guess what we are looking up ?
Today's travel distance:75miles=120km

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